Sunpal’s dedication to the protection of the environment is an integral part of our company mission. Our focus on environmental sustainability sets us apart from our competitors. We understand the importance of reducing the environmental impact of our products and that is why we are continuously improving our processes.

We in the battery industry are proud of the fact that lead acid batteries are the environmental success story of our time. More than 98% of all battery lead is recycled. Compared to 55% of aluminum soft drink and beer cans, 45% of newspapers, 26% of glass bottles and 26% of tires, lead acid batteries top the list of the most highly recycled consumer products.

The lead acid battery gains its environmental edge from its closed loop cycle. The typical new lead acid battery contains 60 to 80 percent recycled lead and plastic. When a spent battery is collected, it is sent to a permitted recycler, where under strict environmental regulations; the lead and plastic are reclaimed and sent to a new battery manufacturer. The recycling cycle goes on indefinitely. That means the lead and plastic in the lead acid batteries that you use have been – and will continue to be – recycled many, many times.

This makes lead acid battery disposal extremely successful from both environmental and cost perspectives. At Sunpal Power we urge all of our customers to responsibly recycle their used batteries on every occasion.

Benifits of Recycling

  • Help sustain a cleaner planet for future generations.

  • Conserve natural mineral resources.

  • Reduce the amount of energy needed to produce new lead from ore.

  • Reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

  • Prevent toxic components entering the environment.

Why Recycle?

98% of a lead acid battery can be reclaimed through recycling. The lead, plastic and acid components are re-processed and manufactured into an array of other products including guide posts, cabling and detergents.

1. Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric acid is converted to sodium sulphate to be used in the manufacture of glass, textiles, laundry detergents and fertilisers.


Battery plates, inter cell connectors and posts made from lead are melted down in a smelter furnace. The molten lead is then formed into ingots for re-use.

3. Polypropylene

Battery containers and lids are chipped and sent for recycling into rubbish bins, plant pots etc.

Our Recycling Process

At Powersonic we are dedicated to caring for the environment
and believe that scrap batteries should be recycled and disposed of responsibly.